Ed and Kay Berg wrote informative newsletters on open salt collecting and related subjects from September 1984 through March 2005. They also wrote columns for some club newsletters. Ed has graciously approved having all of their research available here. The articles written for various club newsletters are listed below the index.
Salty Comments are listed below in chronological order. Below that is an index of topics and/or mentions of different salts, patterns or subjects. The number after the index entry refers to the newsletter number. Just click the number that corresponds to the index. Multiple numbers means the topic is in more than one issue. |
1 A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 |
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 |
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 |
46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 |
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 |
76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 |
A | ||
A.A. Imports 27 A.J. Beatty Co. 40 ADA pattern (Cambridge) 34 ADA pattern (Ohio Flint) 40 Adams China (Jasper Ware) 32 Adams Glass Co. 36 ADAMS pattern 33 AEGIS pattern 30 Aetna bird castor 71, 87 ALEXIS pattern 13, 60 AMAZON pattern 29 AMERICA pattern 61 |
AMERICAN pattern 13, 60 Anaheim salt (Imperial) 51, 54 Anaheim Salt - Revised Mark 24 Anaheim salt (Summit) 15 Anchor Hocking juice glass 53 Animal salts 49, 81 Anthracite salt 54, 89 Anvil, old and Mosser 79 Anvil (A.A. Imports) 27 APOLLO pattern 36 Apothecary stopper 53 Applied silver salts 38 |
Arabic inscriptions 54 ARGUS pattern (Bakewell) 75 ARGUS pattern (Duncan) 20 ARGUS pattern (King Co.) 33 ARGUS pattern (McKee) 30 ARGUS pattern (Gillinder) 43 ATLANTA pattern 13, 49, 60, 82 ATLAS pattern 29 Atterbury basket salts 57 Avon Lacy repro 19, 53, 60 AZALEA pattern (Imperial) 51 AZALEA pattern (Summit) 15 |
B | ||
BABY FACE pattern 31 BABY THUMBPRINT pattern 25 BAG WARE pattern 20 BAG WARE repro 24 Bakewell, Pears Glass Co. 75 BANDED BUCKLE pattern 33 BANDED STAR pattern 33, 49, 82, 88, Bandmaster hat (Duncan) 20, 57 BANNER pattern 39 BARBERRY pattern 30 BARLEY pattern wheelbarrow 36 Barouche (Central Glass) 28, 57 Barouche (L.G. Wright) 64 Basalt ware 54 Basic designs on glass 6 Basket shaker holder (Imperial) 51 Basket shaker holder 53, 79 Basket with handle, new 19 Baskets on pedestal (Atterbury) 57 BASKET WEAVE pattern (Atterbury) 57 Basket weave wheelbarrow (Greentown) 11, 49 Basket weave wheelbarrow (St. Clair) 19, 46 Basket weave wheelbarrow, (Gibson) 37 Battersea enamel 82 BEADED ACORN pattern 36 BEADED CHAIN pattern 36 |
BEADED GRAPE MEDALLION pattern 11 BEADED OVAL Heisey ash 90 BEADED PANEL & SUNBURST pattern 1 Beatty Glass Co. 40, 71 BEATTY RIB pattern 40 BEDFORD pattern 13, 60 Beehive salt 44, 88 Bellaire Goblet Co. 41 Belleek, modern Irish 19 BELLFLOWER pattern 30, 80 Bennett, Harold 18 Berg salt (Heisey) 2 BERLIN pattern 30 BEVELLED BUTTONS pattern 61 BIGLER pattern 44, 61 Bird on branch identification 27 Bird salt (Fostoria) 60 Bird with seed (Degenhart, Boyd) 17 Bird with seed (Kanawha) 19 Bird with seed (McKee) 31, 57 Bird with seed master (L.G. Wright) 64 Black salts 54, 89 BLACKBERRY pattern (Hobbs) 41 BLEEDING HEART pattern 33 BLOCK BAND pattern 22 |
BLOCK DIAMOND pattern 31 BLOCK pattern (Duncan) 20 BLOCK pattern (King Co.) 33 Blown 3-mold salts 44, 50 Blown and cut masters 50, 88 Blown glass salts 73, 74 Blown hats 44 Boat salts 57, 59 Boston Silver Glass Co. 11 Bow tie shape 54 BOXED STAR pattern 39 Boyd Crystal Art Glass Co. 17 Boyd, Cambridge Molds 34 BRAZILIAN pattern 13, 60, 89 Britannia Metal 35 British salts 84 Brittany sea salt 83 Bryce Glass Co. 52 BUCKLE pattern 43 Burmese glass (Pairpoint) 58 BUTTERFLY HANDLES pattern 39 Butterfly mark 52 BUTTON & STAR PANEL pattern 39 BUTTON ARCHES pattern 22 BUTTON PANEL pattern 22 |
C | ||
CABBAGE ROSE pattern 28 CABINET pattern 29 CABLE pattern 44 Cambridge Glass Co. 34 Cambridge molds (Boyd) 34 Cambridge molds (Summit) 15 Cambridge repros (Imperial) 51 Cambridge swans (black) 54 Cambridge Swans Identification 27 Cameo glass salts 73, 82 Canadian salts 84 CANDLEWICK dip (Boyd) 17 CANDLEWICK pattern (Imperial) 51 CANE & ROSETTE pattern 20 CANE BAND pattern 28 Canton Glass Works 40 CAPE COD pattern (Imperial) 51 CAPE COD pattern S & P 49, 51 CAPRICE nut dish/salt/ash 5, 53 CAPRICE pattern (Cambridge)34 CAPRICE pattern (Guernsey) 18 CAPRICE pattern (Imperial) 51 CAPRICE pattern (Summit) 15 Capstan type (Bakewell) 75 Capstan type (Imperial) 51 Capstan type (McKee) 30 Capstan type (Sandwich) 44 Carder salts 74, 82 CARMEN pattern 13, 60 Carriage, THOUSAND EYE 36 |
Castor sets by Meriden 35 Categories 65 Cathay peach blossom (Imperial) 49, 51 Celery Dip, Duncan 22, 63 Celery Dip, Heisey 1, 63 Celery Dip, SHERATON pattern 29, 63 Celery Dip, VOGUE pattern 13, 63 Celery Dips 63, 70 Central Glass Co. 28, 82 Ceramic salt marks 9 Ceramics, an overview 3 Challinor Taylor Glass Co. 52 Champlevé 47 CHAMPION pattern (Greentown) 11 CHAMPION pattern (McKee) 31 Chariot lacy salt 59 Cherry amber Salt 89 China decoration at home 26 CHIPPENDALE pattern 40 Chocolate glass 82 Christmas salt 88 CHRYSANTHEMUM pattern 61 CINCINNATI pattern (Central) 28 CINCINNATI pattern (Duncan) 20 CINCINNATI pattern (King Co.) 33 CINCINNATI pattern (McKee) 30 CINCINNATI pattern (O'Hara) 52 CINCINNATI pattern (Sandwich) 45 CINCINNATI pattern (U.S. Glass) 29 Cloisonné 47 |
CLOVER pattern 22, 89 COBB pattern (Chalinor Taylor) 52 COBB pattern 48 COLONIAL PANEL pattern (Heisey) 1 COLONIAL pattern (McKee) 31 COLONIAL pattern (Cambridge) 34 COLONIAL pattern (Higbee) 39 COLONIAL pattern (Duncan) 22 COLONIAL pattern (Adams, U.S. Glass) 29 COLONY pattern 13, 60 Coloring glass 7 Comports 55 Condiment set 65 Convention salt 1997 88 Co-Operative Flint Glass Co. 79 CORD AND TASSEL pattern 85 COTTAGE pattern 36 Countries on ceramic salts 9 Cradle (A.A. Imports) 27, 79 Cradle, DAISY & BUTTON 43 Cradle, old 79 Cranberry glass salts 73 Crider salts 19, 74, 80 Crown Milano salt 58, 80 Crystal Art Glass Co. 17 CRYSTAL WEDDING pattern 36 CRYSTOLITE swan 61 CURRIER & IVES pattern 41 CUT BLOCK pattern 1 CUT LOG pattern (Westmoreland) 37 |
D | ||
D&B Carriage (A.A. Imports) 27 DAISY & BUTTON anvil (Wright) 64 DAISY & BUTTON boat 41 DAISY & BUTTON carriage 64 DAISY & BUTTON cylindrical 64 DAISY & BUTTON hat (Fenton) 19 DAISY & BUTTON triangle 64 DAISY & BUTTON tub, Oval 43 DAISY & BUTTON tub, Round 20 Dalzell, Gilmore & Leighton Co. 41 Danish salts 69 Daum Nancy salt 82 Davidson mark 84 DECAGON pattern 34 Decorating with salts 70 DEEP FILE pattern 34, 41 |
Degenhart Museum euchres 37 Degenhart salts 17 Denmark salts 69 DERBY pattern 52 Describing salts 6 Designs on glass 6 DEWDROP & STAR (Degenhart/Boyd) 17 DEWDROP & STAR (Westmoreland) 25 DIAMOND pattern (O'HARA, U.S. Glass) 29 DIAMOND BRIDGES pattern 29 DIAMOND BUTTRESS pattern (Viking) 19 Diamond faceted oval 41 Diamond oval 48 DIAMOND POINT Heisey ash 90 DIAMOND POINT DISKS pattern 39 |
DIAMOND QUILTED pattern 52 DIAMOND RIDGE pattern 22 Displaying salts 12 Divided salts 56 Dorflinger cut patterns 85 Dog & Cart 57 Double salts 56 DOUBLE WEDDING RING 64 Double wall salts for silvering 50 Drapery design blown salt 50 Duncan & Miller 22 Duncan corrections 37 Duncan Glass Co. (Washington) 22 Duncan Glass Co. (Pittsburgh) 20 Duster salt or pepper 55 |
E | ||
E&E Collectibles 16 EARLY AMERICAN SANDWICH pattern 22, 29 EARLY PURITAN pattern 1 EDGERTON pattern 41 Egg cups 55 ELECTRIC pattern 29 Elephant salts 81 Elk salt (St. Clair) 46 Elegance 80 |
ELLIPSE pattern 29, 48 EMPRESS pattern 49, 61, 82 Enameled salts 47 ENGLISH HOBNAIL pattern (Mosser) 18 ENGLISH HOBNAIL pattern (Summit) 15 ENGLISH HOBNAIL pattern (L.E.Smith) 19 ENGLISH HOBNAIL pattern (Westmoreland) 25 ENGLISH HOBNAIL WG mark 37 English salts 84 |
ERA pattern 39 ESTHER pattern 61 Euchre salts (Dalzell) 41, 63 Euchre salts (Degenhart Museum 37, 63 Euchre salts (Westmoreland) 25, 63 Euchre salts in holders 63 EUREKA pattern 30 EYEWINKER pattern 64 |
F | ||
Faience 77, 99 FAIRFAX pattern 60 FANCY ARCH pattern 31 FANCY COLONIAL pattern (Imperial) 51 FANCY LOOP pattern 1 Fan end salt 44, 50 Figural salts 57, 65, 86 FINE CUT & BLOCK pattern 33 FINE RIB pattern 44 Fish on rim salt 53 Fish with shell bowl 64 |
Fishscale salt 84 Five-lobed, high sides 79 FLAWLESS pattern 22 FLEMISH pattern 13, 60 Flint glass 80 Flower garden of salts 68 Flying Bird salt 48 Flying Fish Salt 87 Foodstuff set 61 Fostoria - 4 more salts 24 Fostoria correction 37 |
Fostoria salts 13, 60 Freehand salts 74 French enamel 47 FRENCH pattern 30 Frog (A.A. Imports) 27 Frog (L.G Wright) 64 Frogs 81, 85 FROSTED CHICKEN pattern 75 FROSTED LEAF pattern 45 FROSTED LION pattern 43 Fruit jar immerser 53 |
G | ||
Galle double salt 56, 77 Garden of salts 68 Gem salt 33 Gibson Glass Co. 37 Gillinder Glass Co. 43 Girl With baskets 53 Gladstone bag 57 Glass industry in the U.S. 10 Glass marks 23 |
Glass marks (Addendum) 24, 78 GOOD LUCK pattern 36, 57 GOOD LUCK pattern (O'Hara) 52 Gorham butterfly rim 53 GOTHIC pattern 33 GRAPE AND FESTOON pattern 36 GRAPE LEAF pattern 13, 60, 89 GRASSHOPPER pattern 75 |
GRATED DIAMONDS & SUNBURST 22 GREEK KEY pattern 45 Green Lacy salt 53 Greener mark 84 GREENTOWN #11 pattern 11 Greentown Glass Co. 11, 82 Guernsey Glass Co. 18 Gypsy kettle 45 |
H | ||
Hadeland salt 85 Hand painted salts 67 Handled mint dish (Imperial) 51 HARTFORD pattern 13, 60, 61 HARVARD pattern 48 Hats 57 HAWAIIAN LEI pattern 39 Heart salt (Rosso) 19 Heart euchre salt (Degenhart Museum) 37 Heisey labels on Summit salts 19 Heisey labels 53 Heisey salts 1, 61, 82, 90 |
Heisey URN pattern - 3 Sizes 76, 82 Heisey swan 61 Hen on Nest, Chinese repro 19, 88 Henry Clay salt 89 Henry Ford Museum (see HFM) Heraldic china 3 HERMITAGE pattern 13, 60, 89 Hester Bateman salt 90 HFM repro 19, 60 HICKMAN pattern 31 HIDALGO pattern 36 Higbee Glass Co. 39 |
History of open salts 88 History of glass in the U.S. 10 Hobbs, Brockunier Co. 41 HOBNAIL pattern 40 Hobnail salts (St. Clair) 46 Holly salt (St. Clair) 46, 49 Home decorating of porcelain 26 HOMESTEAD pattern (Duncan) 22 HOMESTEAD pattern (Higbee) 39 HONEYCOMB pattern, oval 29 HOPS BAND pattern 33 HORSESHOE pattern (O'Hara) 52,57 |
I | ||
ICICLE pattern 75 ILLINOIS pattern 29 Imperial Glass Co. 51 Imperial Molds at Summit 15 Imperial pedestal (black) 54 |
Indiana Tumbler & Goblet Co. 11 Intaglios 63 INVERTED FERN 55 INVERTED THISTLE pattern 89 |
INVERTED STRAWBERRY pattern 34 Irish Belleek, modern 19 Is it a salt? 5 IVANHOE pattern 41 |
J | ||
Jasper ware 32, 89 JERSEY SWIRL pattern (new) 64 JERSEY SWIRL pattern (old) 11 |
Jockey cap 57, 65, 88 JOSEPHINE'S FAN pattern (Cambridge) 34 JOSEPHINE'S FAN pattern (Ohio Flint) 40 |
Judy Downs salt 85 Just Out salt 29, 57, 61 |
K | ||
Kemple salts 69 Kanawha bird 19 Kennedy salt (St. Clair) 46 KEYSTONE COLONIAL pattern 37, 61 |
King Glass Co. 33 KING'S CROWN cut-downs 55 KING'S CROWN pattern 36 Knife rest double salt 56 |
Knife rest salt 20 Korean repros 27 Krystol mark (Central Glass) 28 Krystol mark (Ohio Flint) 40 |
L | ||
L.E. Smith Co. 19 L.G. Wright Co. 8 La Pierre Silver Deposit 90 Lacy "Shell" salt repro 19 Lacy boats 59 LACY DAISY (black) 54 LACY DAISY mark update 37 LACY DAISY pattern (Summit) 15 LACY DAISY pattern (Westmoreland) 25 Lacy salts (Sandwich) 59 LADDER WITH DIAMONDS pattern 22 LADY HAMILTON 48 Lafayet boat repro 19 Lafayet boat 57, 59 LATE BLOCK pattern 29 LATE PANELED DIAMOND POINT pattern 39 |
LATE PURITAN pattern 1 Lead glass 80 LEAF pattern (Bakewell) 75 LEAF & RIB pattern 85 LEAF & DART pattern 48 Lemon holder 53 Lemon squeezer foot 50, 85, 88 Lenox Belleek 89 Lenox China swan 19 Lenox marks 9 LENOX pattern 31 LIBERTY BELL pattern (Adams) 36 LIBERTY BELL pattern (Gillinder) 43 LIBERTY BELL pattern (not Adams) 44 LILY OF THE VALLEY pattern 48, 89 LINCOLN DRAPE pattern 45, 80 |
Lion salts 81 Live and learn 53 LONG BUTTRESS pattern 13, 60 LOOP AND DART (diamond ornaments) 48 LOOP pattern 43 LOOP pattern (Sandwich) 44 Lotton convention salt 74 LOTUS pattern (Summit) 15 LOTUS pattern (Westmoreland) 25, 89 LOTUS pattern master (Bakewell) 75 LOTUS pattern master (McKee) 30 LOUISE pattern 24, 49, 60 LUCERE pattern 13, 60 Lundberg Studios salt 80 LUCERE repro (Pioneer Glass) 46 |
M | ||
MAGNA pattern 79 Maltese cross euchre salt 41 MALTESE pattern 41 Manley, (Cyril) book 84 MARDI GRAS pattern 22 Majolica salts 76 Malachite glass 86 Maple syrup sled 87 MARJORIE pattern 34 Marks on applied silver 38 Marks on glass 23 Marks on glass (addendum) 24, 78 Marks on home decorated porcelain 26 Marks, Boyd & Mosser 18 Marks, Wedgwood 32 Martha Stewart salt 85 MAY FLOWER pattern 48 McKee Glass Co., before 1880 30 |
McKee Glass Co., later 31 McKee Glass Works (National Era) 40 MEDALLION SUNBURST pattern 39 MEDIUM FLAT PANEL pattern 1, 49, 89 MELLON pattern (Bakewell) 75 Mercury glass salts 50 Meriden Britannia Co. 35 Metropolitan Museum of Art (see MMA) Milk glass 66 Mine car 89 Mining salt 83 Mistaken identities 5 MITCHELL pattern 20 MMA Lacy repro 19, 51 MMA repro - oval Lacy 53 MMA salts 65 Mocha salt 76 |
Model Flint Glass Co. 11 Mold blown heavy salts 50 MOON & STARS creamer foot 52 MOON & STAR pattern 36, 64 MORNING GLORY pattern 45, 49, 80 Mosaic Glass Co. 11 Mosaic Glass Co. repro 37 Moser salts 74 Mosser Glass Co. 18 MOUNT VERNON pattern (Boyd) 17 MOUNT VERNON pattern (Cambridge) 34 MOUNT VERNON pattern (Imperial) 51 MOUNT VERNON pattern (Summit) 15 Mount Washington Glass Co. 58 Museum salts 65 Mustard jar cover 25, 86 MYRTLE pattern 36 |
N | ||
Napoleon's chamber pot 90 Nappies 55 NARROW FLUTE pattern 1 National Glass Co. 40 NEVADA pattern 29 |
NEW ENGLAND PINEAPPLE pattern 44, 80 New Martinsville Glass Co. 71 NEWCASTLE pattern 84 Nice people 86 Nickel Plate Glass Co. 11 |
Niello silver salts 62 NOONDAY SUN pattern 33 Noritake salts 67 Norwegian salts 85 Not salts 5 |
O | ||
OAK WREATH pattern 28 OCTAGON master 54 OCTAGON salt (Central Glass) 28 OCTAGON salt (Duncan) 20 OCTAGON salt (U.S. Glass) 29 OCTAGONAL BLOCK pattern 61 |
O'HARA DIAMOND pattern 29 O'Hara Glass Co. 52 O'HARA pattern 43 Ohio Flint Glass Works 40 OLD MOON & STAR pattern 45, 80 Oneida silver plated animals 19 |
Opaque glass 66 OPPOSING PYRAMIDS pattern 39 OPTIC pattern (Fostoria) 13, 60 ORINOCO pattern 40 Overshot salts 45 |
P | ||
Painting china blanks 26 Pairpoint Company 58 Pairpoint Lafayet boat 19 Pairpoint repros (not boat) 24 PALACE pattern 36 PALM LEAF FAN pattern 39 PANEL WITH DIAMOND POINT pattern 28 PANEL, RIB & SHELL pattern 28 PANELED THISTLE pattern 39, 64 PANELED THISTLE master 55 PANTAGRAPH BAND pattern 33 PATTEE CROSS pattern 29 Pattern glass listing by Smith number 2 Pattern molded salts 50 PAUL REVERE COLONIAL pattern 37 PAVONIA pattern 29 Peach Blow (Pairpoint) 58 PEERLESS pattern 48 Pepi Herrmann salt 19 Pepper shakers combinations 89 PERSIAN pattern 24 |
PERSIAN pattern update 37 Pewter salts 42 PICKET FENCE rim 53 PICKET pattern 33, 88 Pier 1 Imports salt 53, 88 Pillar and Diamond salt 48 PILLOWS pattern 1 PINEAPPLE & FAN pattern (Fostoria) 60 PINEAPPLE & FAN pattern (Heisey) 1, 89 PINEAPPLE & FAN Salt (U.S. Glass) 29 PINEAPPLE & FAN (Heisey), green 49 Pioneer Glass Co. 46 PITCAIRN pattern 33 PITSBURGH pattern 52 PLAIN BAND pattern 1 PLAIN PANEL RECESS pattern 1 Plain Salt (Duncan) 20 PLEAT & PANEL pattern 52 Porcelain marks (Home decorated) 26 Porcelain marks (Lenox) 9 |
Porcelain marks (Overview) 9 Portieux 70 Pottery salts 76 POWDER & SHOT pattern 45, 80 PRESSED DIAMOND pattern 28 Pressed foot, blown bowl 50 PRESSED LEAF pattern 30 Price guides comparison (New H&J) 21 Price guides comparison (New Smith) 14 PRIDE pattern 48 PRISCILLA pattern 1 PRISM & BALL pattern 52 PRISM & BLOCK BAND pattern 33 PRISM covered salt 48 PRISM pattern (Bakewell) 75 PRISM pattern 30 PRISM WITH DIAMOND POINTS 52 Providence Flint Glass Co. 11 PUNTY BAND pattern 1, 49 PURITAN pattern (Fostoria) 13, 60 |
Q | |
QUARTERED BLOCK pattern (repro) 24 QUARTERED BLOCK pattern 22 Queen's Ware 89 |
Quezal salt 74 Quimper 77 |
R | ||
RAINBOW pattern (McKee) 31 Redware 76 REGAL knob salt (Wetzel) 16 REGAL pattern 13, 60 REGINA pattern 79 RENAISSANCE cutting 85 Reproductions, first pass 4 REVERE pattern 1 REVERE pattern, cobalt 49, 89 REVERSE 44 pattern 85 RIBBED BAND pattern 28 RIBBED IVY pattern 44 |
RIBBED PALM pattern 30 RIBBON pattern 20 Richards & Hartley Co. 48 RIDGELEIGH pattern 1 Riga 800 salt 76 Ringing glass 80 RIPPLE pattern 45, 80 Riverside Glass Works 40, 61, 75 ROANOKE pattern 29 ROCK RIB pattern 61 ROCOCO pattern 24, 60 |
ROMONA pattern 31 ROMONA update 37 Rose Lattice salt (Summit) 20 Roses on zippers (Summit) 54 Roses decoration on salts 72 Rosso Glass 19 Royal Bayreuth salt 82 Royal Doulton 76 Royal Glass Works 40 Rudnick, Mimi 86 Russian silver 47, 62, 82 |
S | ||
Saben salt 53 Sailor hat (Duncan) 20 Salt mining 83 Salters' Hall 90 Sandwich Glass Co. patterns 45 Sandwich Lacy salts 59 Sandwich LOOP pattern 44 Sandwich museum boat 19 Sandwich salts after 1860 45 Sandwich salts to 1860 (non-Lacy) 44 SAWTOOTH pattern 43 Scallop shell (black) 54 SCALLOPED SIX POINT pattern 22 Sea salt 83 SEELY pattern 11 Shell Lacy repro 19, 51 Shell salt and cover 48 Shelves for displaying salts 12 SHERATON pattern 29, 63 Shoe (L.G. Wright) 64 Shoe skate (Rosso) 19 SHOSHONE pattern 29 SIDE WHEELER pattern 75 Silver deposit salts 38, 90 Silver marks 62 Silver plated salts 35 Silver salts 62 Slag glass 66 Sled salt (Duncan) 20 |
Sleigh salts 57, 60 Slimming down the collection 89 Smith, (L.E.) Glass Co. 19 Smith Brothers 58 Smith price guide analysis 14 SNAIL pattern 20, 89 Soda-lime glass 41 Sowerby mark 84 Sowerby salt 37 Specific gravity of glass 80 Spittoon (A.A. Imports) 27 Spongeware 76 SPRADDLE LEGS pattern 84 Squirrel on Stump (Gillinder) 43, 57 Squirrel on Stump (Portland) 57 St. Clair Salts - salt list 46 St. Clair Wheelbarrow 19 Stackable salt (Duncan) 20 Staffordshire transfer print 76 STAR AND PILLAR pattern 30 STAR AND PUNTY pattern 45 STAR GALAXY pattern 28 Star salt 48 STARS & BARS pattern 87 Steuben salts 74, 82 Stiegel salts 50, 88 STIPPLED BAND pattern 30 STIPPLED BOWL pattern 28 |
STIPPLED CHAIN pattern 61 STIPPLED PANEL pattern 28 STIPPLED STAR pattern 64 STIPPLED SWAG pattern 28 Stork egg cup shape 19 Stove salt (Central) 57, 88 STRATFORD pattern 34 Straw hat 57 Strawberry figural 49 STRIGIL pattern 31 STYLE pattern 39 Sugar bowl lid 52 Summit Art Glass Co. 15 Summit Art Glass, 2 more 20 Summit roses on zippers 54 SUN RAY pattern 13 SUNBEAM pattern (McKee) 31 Sunderland Luster 76 SV mark 70 SUNBURST & BAR pattern 41 Swan (CambridgeTypes) 27 Swan boat (Mosaic Glass) 11, 57 Swan boat (St. Clair) 46 Swan boat repro (Bittersweet) 37 Swan boat repro (St. Clair) 11 Swan repro, Cambridge Type I (Boyd) 17 Swan repro, Cambridge Type III (Mosser) 18 Swan, (L.G Wright) 64 Swirl pedestal copy 19 |
T | ||
Table setting 70 Tarentum Glass Co. 48 Techniglass salts 20 TEPEE pattern 22, 82 TEUTONIC pattern update 37, 61 THISTLE pattern 22 THOUSAND EYE BAND pattern 11, 49 THOUSAND EYE carriage 36 Threaded glass salts 73 THREE FACE pattern 20, 57, 64 THUMBNAIL pattern 24, 61 TIDY pattern 30 |
Tiffany salts 74, 80, 82 TILE pattern master 54 Timbuktu salt mine 83 Tin glaze 77 Toboggan salt 49, 57, 87 TOMATO salt 30 Tooth powder holder 53 Toothpick holder doubles 56, 85 Tompkins 86 TORPEDO pattern master 54 Touring car double 56 Transportation salts 65 |
Tree of Life (Portland) 57 TREE OF LIFE pattern (Gillinder) 43, 49 Tree Stump Salt 57 TRIANGLE pattern 43 Tub, wood grain 79 TULIP & HONEYCOMB 55 TULIP pattern master (McKee) 30 Turtle base WILDFLOWER 36, 57 Turtle salt (Bellaire) 41, 57, 87 Turtle salt (Hobbs) 41, 57, 87 TUXEDO pattern 49 TWO PANEL pattern 48 |
U | |
U.S. Glass Co. 29, 85 | URN pattern 1, 61 |
V | ||
VALENCIA WAFFLE pattern 36 Vallerysthal 70 VICTOR pattern 29 VIGILANT pattern 60 Viking boats, pewter 42 |
Viking Glass Co. 71 Viking Glass Co. salts 19 VIKING pattern 41 Vincennes salt 31 |
VIRGINIA pattern 13, 60 VOGUE pattern 13, 60, 63 VPNT in S mark 51 VULCAN look-alike 75 |
W | ||
WAFFLE pattern 44 Waffle-bottom salts 44 Wagon Salts 57 Wannabe salts 65 WASHINGTON STATE pattern 29 Waterford Salt 80 Webster salt 48 Wedgwood basalt ware 54 Wedgwood Salts 32, 80, 82 Westmoreland - 2 more 37, 89 Westmoreland #15 CUT LOG 37, 61 Westmoreland #209 (Summit) 20 Westmoreland #50 61 |
Westmoreland Glass Co. 25 Westmoreland Molds at Summit 15 WESTMORELAND pattern 61 WESTON pattern 40, 49 Wetzel Glass Co. 16, 86 WG Mark 25, 37 What do you collect? 46 What Is It Double 53 WHEAT SHEAF pattern 34 Wheelbarrow (A.A. Imports) 27 Wheelbarrow (Adams) 36, 49, 82 Wheelbarrow (Challinor Taylor) 52 Wheelbarrow, BARLEY 36, 57, 88 |
Wheelbarrow, Basket weave (Greentown) 11, 49, 57 Wheelbarrow, Basket weave (Gibson) 37 Wheelbarrow, Basket weave (St. Clair) 19, 46 Wheelbarrow, English 57 WILDFLOWER pattern, new 18, 64 WILDFLOWER pattern, original 36 Willets Belleek 89 Windsor Glass Co. 11 Wire handle doubles 79 WREATH & SHELL pattern 11 Wright, L.G. Co. 8, 64 Wurtemberg foodstuff set 61 |
X | |
XLCR pattern 36 | X-RAY pattern 61 |
Y | |
Yacht salt (Hobbs) 41 | YUTEC pattern 3 |
Z | |
Zipper salt - Imperial 51 | Zoo salt collection 81 |
Index for All Articles | |||||||||
Mossy Comments | Salty Observations | View from the Saltbox | |||||||
1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ||
3 | 4 | 2 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | ||
5 | 6 | 3 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | ||
7 | 8 | 4 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | ||
9 | 10 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | |||
11 | 12 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | |||
13 | 14 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | |||
15 | 16 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | |||
41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | |||||
46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 |
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