H&J to Smith

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To those who may be unfamiliar with what these lists are all about, it's simply a crosscheck of the same open salts pictured in two different books. But in the case of the Smith open salt books, it's ten small separate books and most of them have many types of salts pictured, none of which are in any particular order. Some are grouped by materials and styles within each book, but it's hard to find anything without looking through most of them before you find it. If you know it's pictured in H&J, then finding it first in there and looking up that number here will help you find the same items in the Smith books.

This is something I worked on some time ago, and it appears many others were also doing the same. The entire first section (the color section) of H&J numbers 1 through 2121 is courtesy of Ed Bowman. I only changed the setup and uploaded it here in PDF form. He says it isn't very complete so if anyone has additions please email them to me and we'll improve on the existing list. Also, please inform me of any errors you might come across so they can be corrected. More additions to be added in the future. Debi

H&J 1-2121
H&J 2500-2688 H&J 2689-2893 H&J 2894-3095
H&J 3096-3311 H&J 3312-3532 H&J 3533-3768

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